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The Jewelled Nature Series
Golden insects and leaves set with richly coloured gemstones make up this six piece illustration series. A series that came to be from a simple conversation about nature…

It started with a conversation about the news and about nature.
A conversation about how sometimes it seems like we’re moving in the wrong direction. About how people see themselves as separate from nature instead of as a part of it.
About how so many people don’t seem to value nature. They see it as a commodity to be harvested, or as an inconvenience to be cleared out of the way.
Then a comment was made that if nature was gold and gemstones, or the latest gadget, then maybe people would pay more attention. That comment stuck in my mind.
I’m not a fan of gadgets. I do use a smartphone and a laptop, but I’m not great with tech and I only use what I need to.
Hell, most of my notes are made with pen and paper. That’s how I think best and the chances of me switching to creating digital art are slim to non-existent!
But gold and gemstones I can imagine. I worked for a while making mostly silver jewellery so I have some experience of envisioning items in this way.
Nature is always at the heart of my work. It is something I have loved and felt a close connection to all of my life. It is something I am passionate about and want to celebrate in my own bold and somewhat quirky way.
Nature is vital, fascinating, beautiful. It is essential, and if I have to dip it in gold and encrust it with gemstones to make people take notice, then that is exactly what I’ll do!
This series isn’t about how I see the world or about how I see nature. It is about a desire to bring people’s attention back to nature, in the hope that maybe they will start to appreciate it again.
It’s about how nature should be valued. Just imagine if a nation’s wealth was, at least in part, measured by it’s forests and rivers and moorlands.
It’s a statement that nature is precious and should be seen as such.
The Jewelled Bee
Bees symbolise wisdom, rebirth, and industry. Very fitting for something that is an essential pollinator!

It is said that you must inform the bees of any major event in the family or household, especially deaths. If the bees aren’t told of their owner’s death they may die or fly away.
Prints of The Jewelled Bee artwork can be found in my shop now.
The Jewelled Dragonfly
Dragonflies symbolise adaptability, new beginnings, hope, and harmony. I wanted to include the dragonfly to celebrate nature’s ability to adapt to changes. Although even nature has it’s limits!

Apparently if a dragonfly lands on you, you will hear good news from someone you love.

Prints of The Jewelled Dragonfly artwork can be found in my shop now.
The Jewelled Butterfly
Butterflies symbolise transformation, grace, beauty, and freedom. The butterfly had to be included as one of the first words that comes to my mind when I think of nature is freedom. Also they are just so much fun to play around with artistically!

Butterflies often represent the human soul and are said to be able to easily pass between worlds.

Currently the only prints available in my shop of The Jewelled Butterfly are seconds, but they are still lovely, have a look at the listing to get full details.
The Jewelled Beetle
Beetles represent change, creation, and humility. Perhaps the humility to accept that we are not the only species that matters on the planet?

There is an ancient greek myth about a musician called Ceranbus. He was so talented that the forest nymphs would gather to listen to him play while he tended his flock of sheep.
Ceranbus was the son of Poseidon and he was arrogant, proud, and boastful. One day he boasted that the nymphs were not really the offspring of Zeus and that they were of lower birth than he. So the nymphs turned Ceranbus into a humble beetle and let his sheep wander off to their death. A harsh lesson in humility!

Prints of The Jewelled Beetle are available from my shop now.
The Jewelled Maple Leaf
The Maple symbolises balance, longevity, and abundance.
Sitting under a maple tree and resting is supposed to ease the burdens of those weighed down with heavy responsibilities.

You can find prints of The Jewelled Maple Leaf in my shop now.
The Jewelled Oak Leaf
The final artwork in this series.
Oaks represent strength, protection, longevity, and knowledge.
Oak trees date back around 32 million years with some evidence of the species going back further to around 56 million years ago, the first homo sapiens only appeared about 300,000 years ago. They are considered to be a keystone species.
As oak trees live for a long time people used to connect this longevity to wisdom. It is said that people would seek the advice of oak trees when making important decisions.

You can find prints of The Jewelled Oak Leaf artwork in my shop now.